
Featured genus: Khoyollomyces

The genus name, Khoyollomyces, is derived from the Arabic word for horses: “khoyollo”. K. ramosus is the only species reported, the species name means branched in Latin. It is highly abundant in hindgut herbivores, mainly the family Equidae e.g. horses and zebras.

 Find more information on the genus Khoyollomyces on our page here.

Featured genus: Joblinomyces

Joblinomyces  was identified in 2020 as a part of a collaborative isolation effort that targeted a wide range of wild, domesticated and zoo-housed herbivores (Hanafy et al, 2020). The genus name, Joblinomyces, was given to honor Prof.  Keith N. Joblin for his great contribution to the field of anaerobic fungi. The type species is called J. apicalis, refering to the zoospore release mechanism through the dissolution of a wide apical portion of the sporangial wall. 

Featured genus: Ghazhallomyces

Ghazallomyces (Ghazalla, Arabic word for deer) was first isolated from the feces of a wild Axis deer in 2020  by Hanafy et al. Like Neocallimastix and Feramyces, the genus Ghazallomyces has a monocentric thallus and polyflagellated zoospores. The type species is called G. constrictus, highlighting the distinct constricted necks for the sporangia produced by this fungus.

Please find more information of genus Ghazhallomyces here.