The network was established in 2011 by Dr Joan Edwards following the realization that not all anaerobic fungal researchers were based in the same research field, with many never crossing paths. The below word cloud (Figure 1) gives you some insight into the different research areas where anaerobic fungi are studied, and can add value.

Since its beginning, the network has now become an internationally recognized platform for the co-ordination, promotion and dissemination of anaerobic fungal knowledge and activities.
The network currently includes 200+ researchers representing over 120 organizations in 36 different countries spread world-wide – with membership continuing to expand. It has been particularly encouraging to see the increasing number of organizations working on anaerobic fungi, as well as new collaborations developing between network members.
The network is run by its members, for its members.
A team of 11 members currently support the broad range of activities run by the AFN.