Deadline Extended: Submit Your IAFC2024 Abstracts by June 30th

The abstract submission deadline for the IAFC2024 has been extended to June 30th, 2024! The IAFC2024 is the only anaerobic fungi specific congress world-wide. Attendance is free for AFN members, and it is happening online so everybody can join without the hassle of travelling! Check our page for more information. We are looking forward to … Continue reading Deadline Extended: Submit Your IAFC2024 Abstracts by June 30th

IAFC 2024: New Year, New Event!

New year, new event! This year, the second IAFC will take place online from Oct 15th-17th. Participation is open to all AFN members (registration is open from Feb 1st). Not a member? AFN membership is free of charge! Go to for more information

RMG workshop & INRA-Rowett, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Anaerobic fungi featured at both the rumen microbial genomics (RMG) workshop and the INRA-Rowett meeting last week in Clermont-Ferrand, France. At the RMG workshop, the importance of studying anaerobic fungi when characterising rumen microbiomes was highlighted - particularly due to their close association/interactions with methanogens. At the INRA-Rowett meeting a talk by Bob Forster (pictured … Continue reading RMG workshop & INRA-Rowett, Clermont-Ferrand, France