Dive into the latest anaerobic fungi research from August! Visit our webpage for the latest publication summaries.
IAFC2024 Registration Deadline: Secure Your Free Spot Now!
The registration deadline for the IAFC2024 draws closer! Be sure to save yourself a spot for this unique event, free for all AFN members. For more information, please visit our page.
IAFC2024: Round Table Discussions
At IAFC2024 we will bring back an audience favorite: round table discussions. This time with Prof Jana Seifert, Prof Yanfen Cheng, and Prof Mostafa Elshahed, and their team of experts. If you have any questions you would like to ask them, let us know! For more information, visit our homepage for more information.
Anaerobic Fungi Research: July Edition
Just nowDelve into the latest findings in anaerobic fungi research this July! Visit our publication page for detailed summaries of the most recent publications.
Anaerobic Fungi Research: June Edition
Dive into the latest anaerobic fungi research from the month of June! Visit our website for the latest publication summaries.
Anaerobic Fungi Research: May Edition
Keep up-to-date with the latest advances in anaerobic fungi research this May! Visit our page for summaries of the latest publications.
Deadline Extended: Submit Your IAFC2024 Abstracts by June 30th
The abstract submission deadline for the IAFC2024 has been extended to June 30th, 2024! The IAFC2024 is the only anaerobic fungi specific congress world-wide. Attendance is free for AFN members, and it is happening online so everybody can join without the hassle of travelling! Check our page for more information. We are looking forward to … Continue reading Deadline Extended: Submit Your IAFC2024 Abstracts by June 30th
IAFC2024 Abstract Submission Deadline: May 31st!
Want to present your research at the only anaerobic fungi specific conference worldwide? Submit your abstract to IAFC2024 now :)! Submission Deadline: May 31st! Visit the page to learn more.
Anaerobic Fungi Research: April Edition
Stay up-to-date with the newest advancements in anaerobic fungi research this April! Visit the publication section for summaries of the most recent publications.
AFN 2.0: Explore the Latest Taxonomic Advancements
Taxonomic databases are a valuable tool to enable the annotation of sequence data, whether it be generated from a new isolate or environmental samples. AFN provides a dedicated anaerobic fungi database for this purpose, and a brand new updated version is now out! Updates to version 2.0 include the addition of four new families, two characterized genera, and 56 … Continue reading AFN 2.0: Explore the Latest Taxonomic Advancements