Check out this research article on characterization of feruloyl esterase from the anaerobic fungus Pecoramyces and its synergistic effect in biomass degradation.
Research article on butyrate and butanol production from lignocellulose!
This research article demonstrates a proof of concept for biobutanol and bio-butyrate production from using an anaerobic fungal-bacterial co-culture.
Recently published review article here!
Check out this interesting review article on the role of fungal direct-fed microbials and anaerobic fungi in ruminants and their metabolic pathways of plant fibre decomposition and rumen fermentation processes.
Featured genus, Tahromyces!
The genus Tahromyces was isolated from the feces of Nilgiri Tahr, a mountain goat indigenous to India. Tahromyces is a monocentric fungus with a filamentous rhizoidal system and monoflagellated zoospores. Follow the link for more details
Publication on growth media and diversity of Neocallimastigomycetes!
Are you still using a rumen fluid medium to isolate anaerobic fungi? Read this paper from the HiPoAF team for the details on the effect of growth media on the enrichment of anaerobic fungi from non-rumen and rumen habitats.
Research article on preservation protocols for anaerobic fungi!
No time to die! comparative study on preservation protocols tested in three different laboratories, on three morphologically distinct isolates of anaerobic fungi by the HiPoAF team.
Roughage biodegradation by anaerobic fungi and methanogens!
Check out this latest publication on better roughage degradation by natural co-cultures of anaerobic fungi and methanogens from Qinghai yaks.
New paper on Biohydrogen production!
One step closer towards the application of anaerobic fungi! This paper presents interesting findings on the metabolic shift towards increased biohydrogen production in dark fermentation using the anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix cameroonii G341.
A specific primer pair for screening environmental samples!
This paper is the result of the collaborative effort of Anaerobic Fungi Network, initiated by HiPoAF team, which developed and validated a specific PCR primer pair for screening and quantification of Neocallimastigomycetes from environmental samples.
New research article on enzyme activity and optimization!
An interesting article shows the morphological identification of anaerobic fungal strains isolated from the Anatolian wild goat and the effects of various metal ions and chemicals on extracellular xylanase activity and production.