The new genus, Liebetanzomyces, was isolated using an extended cultivation approach. It’s type strain is called L. polymorphus due to the pleomorphism it displays in terms of its sporangial and rhizoidal structures. The genus is named after Erwin Liebetanz, as he was the first to document the flagellated zoospores of anaerobic fungi in 1910. The paper can be seen here.
Feramyces austinii – new genus!
The previously uncultured AL6 clade has now been isolated and named Feramyces. More details can be found in the associated published article, which you can find here.
Anaerobic Fungi Network now has a twitter page!! Look out for more news there by following us and also spread your own anerobic fungal news using @AnaerobicFungi
Updated anaerobic fungal ITS1 database – version 3.3.
The database for the assignment of anaerobic fungal ITS1 next-generation sequence reads (compatible with Mothur and QIIME), as described in the paper by Koetschan et al (2014), has just been updated to now include Pecoramyces – please see the Resources & Links page to download the two files for version 3.3!
Four newly published genomes!
A comparative genomics approach has been used to provide new insights into cellulose degradation by anaerobic fungi. This substantial piece of work has just been published in Nature Microbiology, further information can be found here: press release and paper.
And then there was nine…..
A new anaerobic fungal genus – Pecoramyces – has just been described, and the corresponding paper can be found here.
The type strain, Pecoramyces ruminantium C1A (formerly known as Orpinomyces sp. C1A), has already had its genome and transcriptome sequenced.
What does Colin Orpin look like?
Have you ever wondered what the man who discovered anaerobic fungi looks like? Well wonder no more. Here is a picture taken of him in 1974 and recently!
RMG workshop & INRA-Rowett, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Anaerobic fungi featured at both the rumen microbial genomics (RMG) workshop and the INRA-Rowett meeting last week in Clermont-Ferrand, France. At the RMG workshop, the importance of studying anaerobic fungi when characterising rumen microbiomes was highlighted – particularly due to their close association/interactions with methanogens. At the INRA-Rowett meeting a talk by Bob Forster (pictured in the photo) about his rumen metatranscriptomic work highlighted the central importance of anaerobic fungi in terms of ruminal fibre degradation. Certainly made a lot of people sit up and think! Well done Bob 🙂
EAAP 2016 Announcement
Booking and submissions are now open for the 2016 EAAP Conference, ‘Sustainable Food Production: Livestock’s Key Role’.
Who agree’s with me that both ruminants and anaerobic fungi have a key role to play??
Hosted in Belfast, Northern Ireland, from 29 August to 2 September 2016, the event will bring over 1200 experts from around the globe together for Europe’s largest animal science event. This year’s conference will focus on the developments in sustainable livestock production, covering a host of subjects around animal science, including genetics, nutrition, management, health and animal physiology.
More details can be found by clicking here.
INRA/Rowett Symposium – 1st Announcement
INRA & Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health have just announced the details of the 10th Joint Symposium “GUT MICROBIOLOGY: twenty years and counting …” This symposium will be held in Clermont-Ferrand (France) from June 20th to 23rd, 2016. For more information please see their website.