Registration for the IAFC2024

With the form below you can register to participate in the IAFC2024. Participation is free of charge for AFN members. To become a member, please use the contact form of our website. AFN membership is also free of charge.

Please select the option that is most appropriate to describe your background(required)

Abstract submission for the IAFC2024

AFN members are eligible to submit an abstract to the IAFC2024 scientific committee. The review process of the abstracts will be done blinded. Formating guidelines for the abstract can be found in the template files below. Abstracts must not exceed 250 words (excluding title, authors, affiliations etc.).

If you want to present your research at the IAFC2024, please choose the appropriate template from below:

Submit your finalized abstract as a pdf file via mail to In the header of said email, please include the following: “Abstract submission, oral presenation” or “Abstract submission, poster presentation“.