Welcome to the home page of the first International Anaerobic Fungi Congress!
The congress took place on 14th September 2022 and was held virtually (i.e. not in person) through GatherTown and Big Blue Button.
Recordings of all the talks as well as the poster presented at IAFC2022 can be found in the AFN members-only section of this homepage. The password to this part of the homepage was sent out via email on Friday, 16th September 2022.
Additional congress information is also available on the following pages:
Registration & Abstract Submission Opens | CLOSED |
Abstract Submission Deadline | CLOSED |
Question Submission for Round Table Discussions Deadline | CLOSED |
Registration Closes | CLOSED |
Congress | 14th September 2022 |
For any inquiries related to IAFC 2022, please contact us at iafc.afn@gmail.com