Publications – new monthly updates

As of January 2022, there will be a monthly post listing any newly published scientific articles relating to anaerobic fungi.

To kick things off, with this first post we have 11 papers to share with you which have been published since the last quarter of 2021 until now:

Voigt, K.; James, T.Y.; Kirk, P.M.; Santiago, A.; Waldman, B.; Griffith, G.W.; Fu, M.; Radek, R.; Strassert, J.F.H.; Wurzbacher, C., et al. Early-diverging fungal phyla: taxonomy, species concept, ecology, distribution, anthropogenic impact, and novel phylogenetic proposals. Fungal Diversity 2021, 109, 59-98, doi:10.1007/s13225-021-00480-y.

Hillman, E.T.; Frazier, E.M.; Shank, E.K.; Ortiz-Velez, A.N.; Englaender, J.A.; Solomon, K.V. Anaerobic Fungal Mevalonate Pathway Genomic Biases Lead to Heterologous Toxicity Underpredicted by Codon Adaptation Indices. Microorganisms 2021, 9, doi:10.3390/microorganisms9091986.

Hillman, E.T.; Li, M.W.; Hooker, C.A.; Englaender, J.A.; Wheeldon, I.; Solomon, K.V. Hydrolysis of lignocellulose by anaerobic fungi produces free sugars and organic acids for two-stage fine chemical production with Kluyveromyces marxianus. Biotechnology Progress 2021, 37, doi:10.1002/btpr.3172.

Leggieri, P.A.; Kerdman-Andrade, C.; Lankiewicz, T.S.; Valentine, M.T.; O’Malley, M.A. Non-destructive quantification of anaerobic gut fungi and methanogens in co-culture reveals increased fungal growth rate and changes in metabolic flux relative to mono-culture. Microbial Cell Factories 2021, 20, doi:10.1186/s12934-021-01684-2.

Liang, J.S.; Fang, W.; Wang, Q.Y.; Zubair, M.; Zhang, G.M.; Ma, W.F.; Cai, Y.J.; Zhang, P.Y. Metagenomic analysis of community, enzymes and metabolic pathways during corn straw fermentation with rumen microorganisms for volatile fatty acid production. Bioresource Technol 2021, 342, doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126004.

Ravi, B.; Nkemka, V.N.; Hao, X.Y.; Yanke, J.; McAllister, T.A.; Lee, H.; Veluchamy, C.; Gilroyed, B.H. Effect of Bioaugmentation with Anaerobic Fungi Isolated from Ruminants on the Hydrolysis of Corn Silage and Phragmites australis. Applied Sciences-Basel 2021, 11, doi:10.3390/app11199123.

Wen, S.T.; Wu, G.G.; Wu, H.W. Biochemical characterization of a GH10 xylanase from the anaerobic rumen fungus Anaeromyces robustus and application in bread making. 3 Biotech 2021, 11, doi:10.1007/s13205-021-02956-9.

Kar, B.; Ozkose, E.; Ekinci, M.S. The Comparisons of Fatty Acid Composition in Some Anaerobic Gut Fungi Neocallimastix, Orpinomyces, Piromyces, and Caecomyces. Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias 2021, 93, doi:10.1590/0001-3765202120200896.

Brown, J.L.; Swift, C.L.; Mondo, S.J.; Seppala, S.; Salamov, A.; Singan, V.; Henrissat, B.; Drula, E.; Henske, J.K.; Lee, S., et al. Co-cultivation of the anaerobic fungus Caecomyces churrovis with Methanobacterium bryantii enhances transcription of carbohydrate binding modules, dockerins, and pyruvate formate lyases on specific substrates. Biotechnol Biofuels 2021, 14, doi: 10.1186/s13068-021-02083-w.

Schulz, D.; Psenkova-Profousova, I.; Cervena, B.; Procter, M.; Neba, T.F.; Modry, D.; Petrzelkova, K.J.; Qablan, M.A. Occurrence and diversity of anaerobic gut fungi in wild forest elephants and buffaloes inhabiting two separated forest ecosystems in Central West Africa. J Vertebr Biol 2022, 71, doi: 10.25225/jvb.21033.

Agustina, S.; Wiryawan, K.G.; Suhartu, S; Meryandini, A. The enrichment process and morphological identification of anaerobic fungi isolated from buffalo rumen. Biodiversitas 2022, 23:469-477, doi: 10.13057/biodiv/d230150.

Paucimyces – 20th anaerobic fungal genus!

Another anaerobic fungal genus has been described, bringing the total number now up to 20.

Paucimyces has monoflagellated zoospores and polycentric thalli with highly branched nucleated filamentous rhizomycelium, a growth pattern encountered in a minority of described anaerobic fungal genera so far.

The type species of the genus is Paucimyces polynucleatus.

Read more about this anaerobic fungal genus in the publication of Hanafy et al, 2021.

19th genus now published

We are very happy to share with you details of a paper that was recently published: “Aestipascuomyces dupliciliberans gen. nov, sp. nov., the First Cultured Representative of the Uncultured SK4 Clade from Aoudad Sheep and Alpaca”.

This paper describes the characterization of the 19th anaerobic fungal genus, which was independently isolated by two different research groups.

You can read further details in the open-access paper which can be accessed here.

Seven new genera!!!

We are delighted to share with you details of a paper that was published at the end of last week entitled “Seven new Neocallimastigomycota genera from wild, zoo-housed, and domesticated herbivores greatly expand the taxonomic diversity of the phylum”.

This substantial collaborative piece of work brings the number of described genera from 11 up to 18!!!

You can read further details about the 7 new genera in the paper here.

Frontiers: Herbivore gut eukaryota and viruses

We would like  to bring to your attention a new Frontiers in Microbiology research topic on: Advances in the understanding of the commensal eukaryota and viruses of the herbivore gut. The topic is also a tribute to the tremendous contributions of the late Professor Burk Dehority and Professor Colin Orpin to the field of herbivore gut microbiology. The topic is open to all type of herbivores – not just mammalian. For further details please see here.