The abstract submission deadline for the IAFC2024 has been extended to June 30th, 2024! The IAFC2024 is the only anaerobic fungi specific congress world-wide. Attendance is free for AFN members, and it is happening online so everybody can join without the hassle of travelling! Check our page for more information. We are looking forward to meeting you there 🙂
IAFC2024 Abstract Submission Deadline: May 31st!
Want to present your research at the only anaerobic fungi specific conference worldwide? Submit your abstract to IAFC2024 now :)! Submission Deadline: May 31st! Visit the page to learn more.
Anaerobic Fungi Research: April Edition
Stay up-to-date with the newest advancements in anaerobic fungi research this April! Visit the publication section for summaries of the most recent publications.
AFN 2.0: Explore the Latest Taxonomic Advancements
Taxonomic databases are a valuable tool to enable the annotation of sequence data, whether it be generated from a new isolate or environmental samples. AFN provides a dedicated anaerobic fungi database for this purpose, and a brand new updated version is now out! Updates to version 2.0 include the addition of four new families, two characterized genera, and 56 novel genera. Find out more information here.
Featuring the Wang Laboratory of Fungal Genomics and Evolution!
Explore the Wang Lab’s cutting-edge research in fungal genomics and evolution at the University of Toronto! Particularly focused on fungal symbioses in the gut of aquatic insects and rumen (Neocallimastigomycota).
LCR-FUNGI: (An)aerobic fungi for boosting biogas production
Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL), TUM, and Innovas are teaming up on project “LCR-FUNGI” to boost biogas production from lignocellulose-rich residues using highly lignocellulolytic anaerobic and aerobic fungi
Anaerobic Fungi Research: March Edition
Don’t miss out on the latest discoveries in anaerobic fungi research this March! Check out the summaries of recent publications here.
Queen’s University Leads Hungate1000 to Unveil Rumen Microbiome Secrets!
Join the Hungate1000 initiative led by Queen’s University Belfast to uncover rumen microbiome secrets and combat methane emissions from livestock with global partners. Dr. Yanfen Cheng directs the anaerobic fungi section. Follow more project updates here.
Anaerobic Fungi Research: February Edition
Dive into a plethora of research papers on anaerobic fungi, as February presents an exceptional volume of new publications.
Dive into an exciting journey through FunGas!
Dive into an exciting journey through FunGas—the spotlight project of the month! Esteemed labs at ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Universität Innsbruck, and Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture are collaborating to explore the role of anaerobic fungi in biogas enhancement. Stay tuned for more project updates at