The registration deadline for the IAFC2024 draws closer! Be sure to save yourself a spot for this unique event, free for all AFN members. For more information, please visit our page.
IAFC2024: Round Table Discussions
At IAFC2024 we will bring back an audience favorite: round table discussions. This time with Prof Jana Seifert, Prof Yanfen Cheng, and Prof Mostafa Elshahed, and their team of experts. If you have any questions you would like to ask them, let us know! For more information, visit our homepage for more information.
Deadline Extended: Submit Your IAFC2024 Abstracts by June 30th
The abstract submission deadline for the IAFC2024 has been extended to June 30th, 2024! The IAFC2024 is the only anaerobic fungi specific congress world-wide. Attendance is free for AFN members, and it is happening online so everybody can join without the hassle of travelling! Check our page for more information. We are looking forward to meeting you there 🙂
IAFC2024 Abstract Submission Deadline: May 31st!
Want to present your research at the only anaerobic fungi specific conference worldwide? Submit your abstract to IAFC2024 now :)! Submission Deadline: May 31st! Visit the page to learn more.
IAFC 2024: Uniting Minds at International Anaerobic Fungi Congress!
Join us online for the IAFC2024 (October 15th to 17th) and present your research there! Registration and abstract submission are now open. Participation at the congress is free of charge for AFN members, and AFN membership is free as well.
IAFC 2024: New Year, New Event!
New year, new event! This year, the second IAFC will take place online from Oct 15th-17th. Participation is open to all AFN members (registration is open from Feb 1st). Not a member? AFN membership is free of charge! Go to for more information
Hear young voices in 8th AFN webinar series!
Join us to hear young voices! Shruthi Meenakshisundaram and Yuqi Li will share valuable insights on the bioaugmentation of anaerobic fungi and their enzyme mechanisms in our engaging 8th webinar series. Don’t miss out!
Winner of best poster award at IAFC2022!
Meet Yuqi Li, winner of the best poster award at the IAFC2022. His poster was titled “Mining of novel GH48 cellulases derived from anaerobic fungi Pecoramyces sp. F1 by bidirectional induction”. Congratulations, Yuqi! More information on IAFC2022 can be found on the AFN homepage.
IAFC 2022: Keynote Speakers!
We are happy to announce three great keynote talks for the IAFC 2022! Jongsoo Chang, Igor Grigoriev, and Mike Theodorou will enlighten us on anaerobic fungi genomics, proteomics, and general aspects of research on these peculiar organisms.
IAFC 2022: Open for Registration & Abstract Submission
Registration and abstract submission are open now! Abstract submission will close on 30th of June 2022, and registration will close on 31st of August 2022.
Click here for more information.