Round table discussions

At IAFC 2024, three scientific round table sessions took place. During these interactive sessions, challenges and opportunities when studying Neocallimastigomycota were discussed.

In addition, there also was a career focused round table session with panel members from industry. This session was of particular interest to students and early career researchers.

We encourage congress participants to ask their questions either live during the sessions or reach out to us beforehand at

Syntrophies and Antagonisms of Neocallimastigomycota

Chair: Prof. Yanfen Cheng (Nanjing Agricultural University, China)

This interactive session took place on October 16th at 5 a.m. UTC.

Detection of Neocallimastigomycota in Environmental Samples

Chair: Prof. Elshahed Mostafa (Oklahoma State University, USA)

This interactive session took place on October 17th at 1 p.m. UTC.

The Metabolism of Neocallimastigomycota

Chair: Prof. Jana Seifert (University Hohenheim, Germany)

This interactive session took place on October 17th at 7 a.m. UTC.

Transitioning Your Career: Academia to Industry

Chair: Dr Joan Edwards (Anaerobic Fungi Network)

This interactive session took place on October 16th at 6.30 a.m. UTC.