For IAFC 2024, the committee members were as follows:
The IAFC 2024 was hosted by the head of the Anaerobic Fungi Network Dr Joan Edwards.
Organizational Lead
- Julia Vinzelj, Oklahoma State University (USA)
Platform design
- Sophia Strobl, Universität Innsbruck (Austria)
Scientific sub-committee
- Yanfen Cheng, Nanjing Agricultural University (China)
- Noha Youssef, Oklahoma State University (USA)
- Xavier Fonoll, Great Lakes Water Authority (USA)
- Jolanda van Munster, Scotland’s Rural College (UK)
- Christian Wurzbacher, Technical University of Munich (Germany)
- Sabine M. Podmirseg, Universität Innsbruck (Austria)
- Akshay Joshi, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Organizing sub-committee
- Basem Balbool, MSA University (Egypt)
- Yuqi Li, Nanjing Agricultural University (China)
- Sophia Strobl, Universität Innsbruck (Austria)