IAFC 2024

Welcome to the home page of the second International Anaerobic Fungi Congress!

The congress took place online from October 15th to 17th, 2024. Recordings etc from the congress are available in the AFN Members-Only section of this website.

IAFC2024 was open to all AFN members and AFN membership is free of charge! Anyone interested can become an AFN member either by using the contact form or sending an email to anaerobicfunginetwork@gmail.com. AFN members benefit from weekly update emails as well as participation in events like the IAFC, AFN workshops, or the AFN webinar series.

Additional congress information is also available on the following pages:

Registration & Abstract Submission OpensCLOSED
Abstract Submission DeadlineCLOSED
Registration ClosesCLOSED
CongressOctober 15th – 17th